CSA season is here, yippee! Couldn't be more happy about it either! All those fresh greens and veggies then fruit later in the summer. We pick up our first weekly share this coming week.
I whipped up this bag to hold my reusable produce bags. The reusable produce bags are great for a variety of things, not just produce. They're great for holding grains and things that you buy in bulk and will come in handy in selecting produce each week at the farm.
If you're not familiar with the concept, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and takes shape in different ways. In some communities, neighbors get together and all take part in all aspects of a local garden and each have a share of the harvest. The CSA that we belong to is actually part of a local farm. Here, families pay a sum up front for their share of the produce and are able to simply pick it up at the farm each week. All are great ways to buy local, sustainable food and I encourage you to give it a try in your own community.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!